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Image by Manuel  Inglez

Restorative Care

An opportunity for children from hard places to move into their future with healing and hope.
A child who has survived extreme abuse has experienced tremendous trauma and may require a high level of ongoing support to experience healing.

Though there are short-term residential care facilities in New England, there are few organizations offering an affordable, scalable, long-term model of care.
Footprints on Sand

A background of abuse and trauma—coupled with the impermanence of foster care or congregate care—can make children in out-of-home care especially vulnerable. 


A 2013 report by the HHS Administration on Children, Youth and Families cited a number of alarming statistics, including several studies showing that 50 to more than 90 percent of children who were victims of child sex trafficking had been involved with child welfare services (HHS, ACF, 2013)

This is not the end of their story.  Victory and freedom are possible!
A Path to Healing



A caregiver is referred to us with a child who has experienced commercial sexual exploitation (CSE).



Our Care Coordinator will guide them through developing a care network and Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI©) trauma training.



The child and caregiver(s) will be connected with a trained Survivor Mentor; an adult survivor, who will provide personal support for the child as they work through what they've experienced, learn to move beyond their trauma, and pursue customized goals.



The Survivor Mentor and Care Coordinator will create a customized care plan, which will provide individualized opportunities for whole-person restoration and empowerment.  



The caregiver(s) and child will have regular ongoing meetings with their Care Coordinator and Survivor Mentor and will also receive ongoing refresher trauma trainings.


Children who have experienced extreme abuse often find themselves on a tragic path that feels hopeless.  Obstacles can make seeing to the other side of brokenness difficult if not impossible for them and their caregiver.  This is not the end of their story.  We will walk alongside them every step of the way to show that they do not have to remain a victim to their past.  Victory and freedom are possible!

We use a trauma-informed approach called Trust-Based Relational Intervention® to support children and their caregivers with individualized case management.

Take Action

 There are opportunities for EVERYONE to protect the vulnerable.

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