What You Need to Know
Sex trafficking is a lucrative, fast growing criminal enterprise and a complex evil to overcome, but Thrive New England is undaunted. With your help we can educate our communities and work to prevent the sexual exploitation of children.
What is Sex Trafficking?
Sex trafficking involves the manipulation of a person, through force, fraud, or coercion, to engage in commercial sex for the benefit of the trafficker.
Where is Sex Trafficking Happening?
A common misconception is that human trafficking only happens outside of the United States, but it is happening EVERYWHERE. Traffickers are cunning and prey on the most vulnerable in our society, including children.

Recommended Resources
Not for Sale
by David Batstone
Somebody's Daughter by Julian Sher
The Slave Across the Street by Theresa Flores
Girls Like Us by Rachel Lloyd
Very Young Girls
Government Sites
Trauma Training Resources
New England Organizations
Ericka's Story
This video series was created by the Department of Homeland Security to help spread awareness about how sex trafficking recruitment can occur.
Viewer Discretion is Advised
DHS Blue Campaign : Ericka's Series
DHS Blue Campaign : Ericka's Series

DHS Blue Campaign Video 1: Truck Stop

DHS Blue Campaign Video 2: At School

DHS Blue Campaign Video 3: Entrapment

DHS Blue Campaign Video 4: Foster Care
Website Research Sources
See Linda Smith, President, Shared Hope International, in Prostituted Children in the United States: Identifying and Responding to America’s Trafficked Youth, Seg. 2. Prod. Shared Hope International and Onanon Productions, 2008
Kennedy and Pucci, Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Assessment Report — Las Vegas, Nevada, pg.106
http://sharedhope.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/SHI_National_Report_on_DMST_2009.pdf, pages 30-31
Laura J. Lederer and Christopher A. Wetzel, The Health consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities
Jessica Reichert and Amy Sylwestrzak, National survey of residential programs for victims of sex trafficking http://www.icjia.state.il.us/public/pdf/ResearchReports/NSRHVST_101813.pdf